


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp

上面的紅字就是你的帳號登入名稱,到裡面去找尋最靠近你當機時間的 *.tmp檔案。

PPT的話 後面就是 *.ppt <2003版本的> *.pptx <2007版本的>
EXCEL 後面就是 *.xls <2003版本的> *.xlsx <2007版本的>
WORD 後面就是 *.doc <2003版本的> *.docx <2007版本的>


打了一天的 excel 都沒有存檔,是因為那個檔案是另一個系統開出來的,所以必須全結束才可以整個一起存..

工具→選項→儲存檔案→自動回復儲存位置 分頁裡面

C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\

不過裡面沒有提到,要記得開啟可以看到所有的系統隱藏檔,然後就可以看到一堆像這樣子的檔案 [~ar2D4F.xar] or [~ar41CA.xar] 依時間排序之後就可找到。

A copy of open excel file is stored in TEMP folder which is ‘documents and settings\user\local settings\temp’ folder.
The name of file is something like ~DF39CF.TMP
When I close excel sheet, this file disappears.

Please let me know
(1) Does this .tmp file contain all the data of the open excel sheet ?
(2) Is it possible to recover data from this file ?

Finding and using the temporary and auto save files

Excel doesn’t have the AutoSave feature enabled as default, you have to add it. This is because it isn’t always practical to have this functionality enabled. If you have it enabled and want to experiment with a spreadsheet, you should create a copy then open that so that the AutoSave doesn’t overwrite the original.

To enable the AutoSave feature, you have to use an Add In. Go to “Tools" “Add ins" and choose “AutoSave".
With Office XP, AutoSave has been moved out from Add Ins to Options, in a similar way to Word. You will find the settings under “Save" where you can also disable the Auto Recover feature for that particular work book.

Excel automatically saves every 10 minutes to the default location of “C:\ Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp" or “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp" on Windows 7/Vista. The files are identifiable as they are saved as a number .tmp e.g. “28.tmp". This means that they look different from word or any other temporary files that are being saved there by other applications.

The temp file for excel can also look like ~dfxxxx.tmp .

Office 2010 and Higher

In Office 2010 and higher, you have an additional option, built in to the product, called Recover Unsaved Spreadsheets

Click on File tab in the upper left corner.
Choose Recent
In the bottom left corner is Recover Unsaved Spreadsheets
The Saved Drafts folder will open. Find your file and double click on it to open. Then save the file.

These files can also be found in the following locations:

Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles